June 2, 2004

Sunday School, Tea, and Grilled Cheeses

I was in school, in a classroom which was also a giftshop of sorts. We were talking and such, evidentially following some course plan.

When the bell rang, I dashed out of class, saying goodbye, and then remembered it was the end of school. Ducking back in, saying have a good summer, the substitute teacher who was there said there was still Sunday. Puzzled, I went to the eating area, where they had large greasy grilled cheeses and tea.

Sitting down, I said that this was the worst meal we'd had all year. The others didn't agree with me, however, and soon I decided that it wasn't too bad after all. I asked if we really did have school on sunday, and someone responded in an annoyed tone that they wished we didn't.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 3:57 PM

Ships of Air and Water

Starting up some kind of game, I was on an airship which was under some crisis. Dropping rapidly, all the lifeboats were cut off and we went to shore on them.

We later boarded our ship again, sailing about on the water and entertaining visitors in our shop.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 3:54 PM