June 2, 2004

Sunday School, Tea, and Grilled Cheeses

I was in school, in a classroom which was also a giftshop of sorts. We were talking and such, evidentially following some course plan.

When the bell rang, I dashed out of class, saying goodbye, and then remembered it was the end of school. Ducking back in, saying have a good summer, the substitute teacher who was there said there was still Sunday. Puzzled, I went to the eating area, where they had large greasy grilled cheeses and tea.

Sitting down, I said that this was the worst meal we'd had all year. The others didn't agree with me, however, and soon I decided that it wasn't too bad after all. I asked if we really did have school on sunday, and someone responded in an annoyed tone that they wished we didn't.

Posted by Trevor Savage at June 2, 2004 3:57 PM