July 29, 2003

McDonald's Buss

I and Mom were in a car driving next to a McDonald's icecream buss, everyone said that they moved slowly but there was no proof. We somehow ended up on the buss, and then we stopped at the nearby Mcdonald's.

I was sent to ask the cashier for another softserve machine, but before I stepped out the driver asked me "Don't you think this buss is slow?". I said that everyone said it was, but that I saw no proof for it.

Asking the cashier for the machine, she handed me a cup of vanilla and chocolate ice cream, which I took, but then explained myself further. She brought the machine and I put it on the buss, eating my icecream. We had a total of three softserve machines on the buss then.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 1:56 PM

Riding Away

I was running after a car that other people I knew were in, and as I approached was thankful that they opened the door for me to hop into, which I did and then hastily closed, hoping that we hadn't been seen. Noone else saw any signs of this, and I was relieved.

We rode for a while down a dirt road and were soon surrounded by buildings. As we reached the end of the city, driving past a large building, we turned around, planning to drive out again. However, I got the driver to ask someone at the side of the road if it was safe. He said that it was, and that the large building was the Lion King's home.

My "home" had a stove and, above it, a cupboard. I frequently cleaned out the stove by spraying water on it from an old RealLemon bottle. Paperclips somehow frequently found their way there and I pulled them out.

I wandered around the ground frequently, visiting various places like the art gallery, while the rest of us were getting "jailed" from a distance. They didn't tell me and hid the artifacts of this jailing in their houses.

Finnally one day we got in the old car again and drove to our apartment. After we went in, we locked one of us in a closet against their will and went into a nearby room. We started talking, and they revealed to me the jailings.

After that we were all suddenly scantily clad...

One of us was trying to kill the others, and we were chased throughout the apartment. Finally he ran out of ammunition and we took him back.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 1:51 PM