July 29, 2003

McDonald's Buss

I and Mom were in a car driving next to a McDonald's icecream buss, everyone said that they moved slowly but there was no proof. We somehow ended up on the buss, and then we stopped at the nearby Mcdonald's.

I was sent to ask the cashier for another softserve machine, but before I stepped out the driver asked me "Don't you think this buss is slow?". I said that everyone said it was, but that I saw no proof for it.

Asking the cashier for the machine, she handed me a cup of vanilla and chocolate ice cream, which I took, but then explained myself further. She brought the machine and I put it on the buss, eating my icecream. We had a total of three softserve machines on the buss then.

Posted by Trevor Savage at July 29, 2003 1:56 PM