June 18, 2003

At the Academy

I was a freshmen at some kinda academy for royal folks, and was sitting at a table eating, overhearing some jokes about freshmen by the higher-ups.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 1:27 PM

A Horse at the Door

It was raining horrendously, and the cats were looking very pathetic, so I let them in, and, in doing so, noticed that there was a horse at the door.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 1:24 PM

The Jail Museum

We were in jail where two people we knew were serving 30 minuets of jailtime, which they were no stranger to. They were released, and, ignoring the staff's protests, we began to explore the jail.

We made our way to a museum, with various exhibits, and, at one point, as my classmates seems to be with me now, I was with Shane and Matthew. Shane proceeded to fly some 747-ish plane around, while Matthew got into some sort of "flying" suit, which we timed him as staying in for 43 minuets or so, using the vastly accurate process of assuming that he got in at the start of the hour. (must get to wearing and checking my actual watch more.)

We then continued to walk through, and saw a number of exhibits, such as a "Miracles of Science" exhibit.

Several times, I was with some random assortment of classmates and other people, either running through the halls with ropes, or riding some trolly thingy around in a blalent violation of the rules.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 1:22 PM