June 17, 2003

Car Trip

This dream had a very anime-ish look to it, and seems to only be a part of a dream.

I was in the back seat of a high-tech car, having accepted an offer of a ride somewhere, with two women occupying the front seats. The car was speeding down the highway, and driving itself...

Posted by Trevor Savage at 12:19 PM

Website Project

I was taken on, right before the project was launched pubicly, to work on a website with two other staff members. It had facilities for us posting news, for uses to post their own stuff, and for one other thing.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 12:16 PM

Family Trip

This one had a sifi/anime feel/look.

My family was planning to go out to eat, and I went out early after making some comments about the location. I managed to get past some evil people trying to hijack the facility, and was then hired by the owner and turned into a super-powerful-ish being, then I meet back up with my parents, was 'healed' of my power, and then was re-hired.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 12:14 PM

RPG Class

I was in a class, taught by one of the teachers at my school, with the rest of my classmates. It was RPG-ish, and you had to select either to be a warrior or archer, and you got either a dagger or a bow. Several fish were thrown in your general direction, some catching on wires and such. Then we ate cupcakes, and were offered drinks.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 12:11 PM

Helping Out At School

I had just walked out of a hallway, leading from a rather different place, and emerged in an area that looked somewhat like my school, with a number of the faculty there as well. I had been here sevral times before in the dream to meet someone, and was looking for them now, but could not find them. I was taken by one of the teachers to help out in their project: to find any boardgames that were lost in the rain.

I picked up sevral and was going to take them inside, but was instructed to lay them down. After picking up some more, I think I wandered off, looking, down into the dark wooded area.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 12:08 PM

Lost While Remembering

Was trying to remember my last dream, but then fell back asleep, and so all I could remember was this:
We teleported to a battlefield.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 12:06 PM