May 15, 2004

Malarkey's Captive

I was being held captive in a cell which had a door extending from the floor. I had not been disarmed, however, and wished to escape. As the door began to slowly open, I took aim with my long energy weapon and quickly shot those waiting outside the door, resulting in them fizzling away in a burst of visual static.

After I had shot most of them, some of the remaining entities outside the door, all droids, tried to attack me, but before long I had dealt with them too. Shortly after this incident, someone approached the door to the room my cell opened into, and through a crack in the door which was produced as he tried to push his way inside and I tried to close and lock the door I saw that it was the leader of the group holding me hostage, who went by the name 'Malarkey' or somesuch.

Slamming the door shut and turning the lock to what I thought to be the locked position, thinking that it would give me more time to prepare even if he broke through the door, I relaxed a bit, before the door behind me burst open, making me realize that I must have turned the lock in the wrong direction. Seeing a sword hilt inside the leader's jacket, I rushed towards him, pulling the sword out of his jacket and attempting to slash and stab him with it. He laughed, however, and told me that the material the sword - named after him - was made of could not harm him.

He then told me that they did not wish to harm me and that, If I wanted, he would get me some food. I agreed to the food, and began to relax.

Posted by Trevor Savage at May 15, 2004 3:48 PM