June 16, 2004

Running Across the Peninsula

I was wandering through the edge of a farmer's field, full of tall dry corn stalks, attempting to get to the other side. A little to my left and through some corn stalks was a forest. At times I would run into my classmates.

In going through the field we were making large pathways, and when I finally got to the other side of the field I was able to see quite a number of them and various classmates making their way through them. I ran back through some other people's pathways for a while, then returned to the edge of the field.

From the edge I could see the water on the other side of the peninsula we were on, and it looked to be not far away. I considered it to be quite the view, almost being able to see both sides of the peninsula, and said such to some classmates. Some dared me to run to the water but I decided not to, as the land between us and the water was owned by other people who might arrest me for trespassing.

We then left and returned to our base camp.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 2:32 PM