June 4, 2004

Attack of the Ancient Monuments

I was playing with some odd coin-operated toys that were set up in a bunch together. There were a number with two exits and large banners beneath plastic beside the entrances proclaiming what they simulated.

Later, I and two others there got on a motorcycle coin-op. The dream shifted to a view where people were snared by other people with long thin tongue-like appendages. It was then revealed that the snarers were really not people but pieces of ancient monuments and the like. Our view switched to that of a single woman who had entered a shop, been snared, and then been allowed to escape, although with a limp.

Not remembering where her apartment was but fairly certain she had one, she tried to find it with the only two items in her pockets; a battery labeled with a hotel's name, and an unused card labeled with another business's name. Ruling out the card, she examined the hotel, but other than for a few very expensive apartments could not find any that might be hers.

Seeking help, someone bought her some pieces of chicken to eat and set out to find her a place to sleep. Finding a free bed in a common room, she suddenly remembered that she was a witch, triggered by the candle and chanting of another occupant, and remembered that she could cast a spell to find her apartment.

At this time, however, an indian tribe came roaring through, taking many hostages to bolster it's ranks. Arriving at a large bleachered area just on the other side of the common room, they stopped, and allowed a few people to choose a few other people for unknown reasons before settling down to chatting.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 2:39 PM

School Across the Ocean

I was going to school at a different school than I'd gone to the rest of my life, for some reason somewhat out of my control, but I was trying to make the best of it. The school was also quite a distance from our home, across a body of water, but for some reason other former classmates had transfered to it as well.

My Mom called to tell me that she couldn't pick me up, so I made attempts at finding a ride. Some students were playing a game in front of the gym before class, and when the bell rang I followed them in. I discovered that we were going to P.E., which evidentially took the place of Science for all but 2 days of the week.

Inside the gym there were giant bins of tiny scrunched up paper balls like the ones students had been playing with outside, as well as odd desks which had construction paper attached to them.

Later, someone which I had known a while back but hadn't seen recently invited me over that weekend to talk about lucid dreams. Remembering that he had an interest in them as well, I eagerly accepted.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 2:30 PM