November 1, 2003

Going to a Convention

I was with my parents at some kind of convention, rather bored, when Dad suggested that we look for a new computer for me. Getting quite excited, I started looking around.

There were numerous booths scattered about which sold Macs, but few seemed to have laptops, which we were looking for. The first I saw was a PowerBook, I think, but it didn't have any specifications listed, which disturbed me. A sign listed the price as 11, beside which another sign said 'Payments of $500'. I had trouble with this calculation, and couldn't figure out if it was cheap or expensive.

We continued to walk about, seeing a variety of weird computers, including one which had an stretching screen. Reaching a stair case, I bashed it with my fist a few times while considering the math problem, and after the first few steps I had realized the price of the PowerBook.

After going up the stairs, I spotted another laptop, this time an iBook. Disappointed that it wasn't a PowerBook, I continued looking.

I had followed my parents to a section of the convention which seemed to be about farming. There was a large farm vehicle towing a long, empty trailer in half of the room. The rest of the room was covered in a thick layer of hay, and there was some kind of exit in the ceiling.

Dodging the vehicle while trying to exit the room from the way we had entered, I was unsuccessful and almost got run over. I then tried to follow my parents through the roof, but fell through a hole in the hay.

I landed in a large, dark room with black walls, floors, and ceiling - rather like a cavern. I and some other people hijacked a car that was evidently intended for use in exterminating me. It could fire 'Yummy Snacks with Tiny Firecrackers', I think, which I had been eating earlier, and was generally nifty. We drove around for a while, circling some people sitting in folding chairs.

I was suddenly adventuring with someone else in KNO, jumping about an icy map with lots of water. After a while, we arrived back at the cavern.

One of my classmates walked in with a really cool wing-shaped object, an old Russian flying machine which could lift one person. Playing around with the controls, we found the on and off switch as well as all kinds of other stuff. Finally, I took the flyer and he got in the car, I believe, and we took off.

Flying over the KNO landscape, my classmate quickly outpaced me and got beyond my sight. There were a number of floating cloud like objects, although they were red and looked more like rocks than clouds. Thinking them harmless, I ran into one, and got damaged severely, taking me down to 2 hearts from about 6 or so. Frantically trying to dodge them now, I crashed again, dying. I was regretful that I'd ruined the flyer.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 11:40 AM