September 14, 2003


I was in a class, ready to take notes. One of my classmates went up to the board and drew a picture of a hotel, which she said had been present in one of the locations she had visited during the summer. I drew a duplicate on a whiteboard that was on my desk.

Shortly after this, the teacher turned on a movie, and I jotted down notes about the whole thing, which was really very short. She repeated it the movie once more.

We then turned our old desks to the right 90 degrees, and begun talking and such. My legs were lying on top of the desk rather than under the writing surface as they should have been, and I felt warmth radiating from the student in front of me, who I knew to really be a teacher in a student's body. Upon realizing this, I put my legs under the desk again.

She was using my mechanical pencil, and delighted in the fact that there were no broken pieces in it, after which she gave it back.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 11:39 AM