August 23, 2003

The Earthquake Craze

I was working on the FIC website and added a k-1 class earthquake to it. Thesse earthquakes had evidentally just recently been released and were the craze everywhere. Talking to people, they all said that they loved the new earthquakes and that they were using them everywhere.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 2:58 PM

FSO Keyboard

I'd just finished up some new stuff for the FSO scripts or client, and released my first new release. I then got the idea that we could have a special console which would have keys for FSO, and would interact with the client.

I told my dad about the idea, and he said he'd think about it. I then thought that we could just use an old keyboard for this purpose, although then we couldn't put our logo or special keys on it.

I then spent a while wandering through the warehouse-like building we were in, eventually settling in an area that had cabinets full of sifi books, and I browsed the selection.