August 20, 2003

3d Sidescroller

I was running around in a 3d side-scrolling type game, there was candy everywhere, I opened a package which contained Mario candy and ran over one with Sonic and Tales candy.

Nearing a package of peeps, I opened it and took one out, beginning to eat it.

Free Cars

Someone had been developing a car that he was going to give away to teenagers, but, in the process, he had disappeared. The company had given then out anyway, with lots of instructions taped onto the various buttons.

I was in one of these cars with my parents, before we got out to go to a buffet-type dinner, where there were quite a number of people. I waited in line, watching various people race their miniature boats in a tub, before suddenly all I saw was horrid bright shinning colors.

I adjusted my view so it was bearable and ask the person it had centered over what to do. They said that they couldn't fix it. I continued to adjust my settings and eventually got a normal picture. I wanted to shout out to everyone the settings I had used, but decided not to.

Then, after finally getting some nasty bit of food doused in tomato sauce on a tray, the dream ended.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 1:55 PM