August 11, 2003

Powerful Flash Games

I was playing an online flash game while my mom talked. It seemed to be mid afternoon or so, and she commented that it wasn't snowing yet- the forecast must have predicted it.

The game I was playing said that winning would have a "reward", and, just then as I began to win it began to snow and I shouted "It's snowing now!".

The controls for the game were the arrow keys and F12 for kicking. There were about 3 opponents which would appear on screen and try to kick you, slowly moving towards you, who you had to kick to death.

Later, my mom reentered the room while I was still playing. I was wondering what we should do about a leak in a weird plastic wrap sunroof which had appeared in the ceiling.

(first dream I remember that I've been at my computer.)

Posted by Trevor Savage at 4:19 PM

Test Canceled

I was in school, in a large room with a number of other people, not all my classmates. There were two people at a table, and I didn't know the person who was at mine.

Everyone had a deck of cards which they were holding and fiddling with. I accidentally shuffled the two piles I was holding together, and mixed the reds and blacks, which I didn't want to do. I then set to sorting them out.

The principal was at a desk in the front of the room, and we were waiting for the test we were here to take. Then for some reason, possibly rain, he stood up and said that we wouldn't be able to take the test, and would have to go home.

Earlier he had said that there would be food in the basement, and so several people went down there on the hope that there would still be food there. I put my cards in my pocket and followed my partner down the passageway. The principal asked me if I was going to be picked up by my mom, and I said yes.

We then sat on a large bed that was halfway down the passageway and just had a security camera from the big room pointing at it. The girl sitting next to me then said something along the lines of "I've always wanted to have a recording of making out.".

Looking for more privacy, I walked down the stairs to the basement where there was no food, but only a large, flat bed with three people sleeping on it who had come down from the classroom. I sat down and then the girl followed, putting her hand to my side which was evidentially quite ticklish and had me yelling "I'm ticklish!".

Posted by Trevor Savage at 4:18 PM