July 26, 2003

CTF, Cats, RPGs, and WC3

I and a group of other people were playing a game, kinda like CTF in real life. Our enemy was a group of cats, and they were immediately fatal to us upon contact. However, we had balls that we could throw at them to disable them. The balls felt very heavy.

There was a cat chasing me, and I was very near my goal. I had a ball, and threw it at the cat. I missed, but the ball bounced back near me. I changed course and caught the ball, then threw it again. It hit, and I was free to win the game. We had had to complete an objective for each letter on a keyboard. The keyboard's layout was very weird.

After that, we took our armies and lead an attack in a WC3 RPG. I was an archmage, I believe.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 5:45 PM