July 21, 2003

Discussing An EV:N Editor

In a forum, people were asking questions about an Escape Velocity : Nova editor, it could edit most of the resources and a player editor was planned. Someone was asking if a shop editor was going to be put in as well.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 4:13 PM

Squid Evolution

One scientist was examining a jar and thought it's contents were important. It looked like a squid-like creature with legs instead of tentacles. He asked another scientist to look at it but the second scientist requested that the first bring the specimen to him, the first got angry for a bit and then complied.

The second scientist said that they needed more proof, and that the legs could have simply been sewed on, but the first disagreed and got a bit angry again. The second scientist wanted to open the container to look more closely at it, so that they might be certain, but the first didn't want to disturb the specimen.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 4:12 PM

The Chinese Mountains

Some crippling diseases was being spread throughout the people, a professor had been shot in a public garden, a giant wave was launched into another garden, injuring all of the people there. An old mysterious woman wandered outside our house with a package from the market, saying things about what people suspected, when asked her name the response was evidentially one of legend.

I was reading some books off of a shelf, one a Harry Potter book. The "Chinese Mountains", really a set of huts off of one side of the city, was evidentially where those who were terrorizing the population lived. We tried to figure out how to get there but couldn't, as it was too far to jump.