July 16, 2003

Lucidish Awakening

I was in the hall near my bedroom when somehow I realized that this much be a dream. I began laying my hands on the walls and putting my ear on them then closing my eyes and imagining that there was a door there, but that didn't work. Also tried this on the bathroom door, to no effect.

(i think this started from a false awakening; don't remember, but I was in my house near my bed.)

Posted by Trevor Savage at 3:32 PM

British Invader

I was standing around, looking around. It looked like there was snow on the ground. A british-looking man in shiny clothes was running towards another person's property. The owner came out with a pitchfork, and stabbed the british man in the stomach. After he had fallen, he stabbed him again in the back.

Somehow the british invader had managed to get away, and he was eating with my family, supposedly about to die. There were some photos handing up in the window which he was facing, and I started talking about the camera that was used to take them.

We had evidentially found it with the pictures already in it. He figured out that the camera had been his, and I gave him the pictures to look over.

(this seemed to draw on the previous two dreams as well.)

Posted by Trevor Savage at 3:28 PM

3D Game

I was a participant in a game rather like WarCraft III in that there were a number of races, and that there seemed to be a leaderboard indicating the remaining players, of which there were quite a few.

I was holding my base with the help of someone else. It was rather peaceful, and I figured that the combat must be going on on the other side of the area. As players left or were defeated, their bases were inherited by other players, and I eventually had 3. One was, I think, based somewhat on insects - my original base. Another seemed to be a human base, and the other was based on fruit-made projectile.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 3:21 PM

Finding the Camera

I was looking around for stuff for a weird converted-to-digital camera, and came up with about 10 used sheets of 'film', some with clear squares other with brownish film-colored squares. Each had a fogged apple logo at the top.

I also found around ten or so short things to plug into a wall socket, which could accept one of the pieces of film. I have no idea why I had so many, and remarked about such to Dad, who was there.

Then I found the camera itself, which had a slot in the bottom to accept the film.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 3:15 PM