July 13, 2003


I was standing inside of a building which was closed for the night with nothing particular to do, supposedly waiting for it to open. I didn't feel that I was trespassing or anything, but that it was a rather normal thing to do.

Standing by the glass doors, I saw someone walking past. I opened the doors and they said that they were here to wait for something - not sure whether it was something inside the building or a train or buss. I let them in the building, and walked out myself, looking around a little and continuing to wait.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 3:02 PM

Sleep Reset

I was staying up all night to reset my sleep schedule and getting confused about whether it was AM or PM, and wether my parents should be up or not.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 3:01 PM

TFT Forums

I was reading on The Frozen Throne forums about how a person's computer crashed right after they used the Crypt Lord's ultimate.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 3:00 PM