July 9, 2003


I was, erb, sitting in a bath tub for a while. Then, getting out, I turned on an alarm clock/radio to look at the time and turn on the music.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 9:32 PM


We were on a lawn outside of a preschool, learning how to draw, paint and write. Charles was there, as well as other people. One girl had painted a sign, consisting of a very accurate self-portrait and her name, as well, I think, as some other writing, and she was continuing to paint.

Charles was drawing a plane and some other things with a crayon. I was jealous because I hadn't been taught how to draw yet, and couldn't understand the concept.

Our teacher also had been given he task of repainting a part of the massive school building, and she gave some of us the task of making patterns on pillow-like things. This evidentially helped her.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 9:29 PM

Train Station

I was wandering about a train station with someone else that I knew, talking to the people there and doing other things.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 9:24 PM