July 5, 2003

The Art Show: Year Two

Some "priest"-ish people who looked like bizarre fruits were sliding down into a more or less empty room from a square hole in the ceiling. They were getting ready to go to an art show.

I went to the freezer, and got out an ice cream box, putting the ice cream in it in back in the freezer, so that I could get some of the yummy ice cream they had there the year before.

Suddenly we were at the art show, after getting through a series of ticket booths and such. There was a tent, with lots of colorful banners, and a building. My parents were with me. We went through the glass door into the building.

Wandering to find the show proper, we found a TacoBell stand in the otherwise normal room, and, my parents excitedly noticing the soups they had, we proceeded to order 4 wonton soups and 4 mexi soups, which I think I carried. I was somewhat annoyed, because we still hadn't gotten to the ice cream.

I remembered that charles and I had submitted the dragon-play the year before, and then the dream faded out.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 9:13 PM

The Art Show: Year One

I was talking to Charles, not sure what about. We were then ushered into an auditorium, seemingly with everyone else from our school. Looking around, a number of the people in the grade below us seemed to be having problems with keeping their, ahem, shirts secured, resulting in quite a view...

Then, we were suddenly flying on a dragon which was evidentially our of a play that we had created. We flew, and then, arriving somewhere, circled a few times, waiting for other people to present their works, before coming in for a hopefully-spectacular landing.

We quickly explained the play, and then the dragon was put on display. They seemed to want me to act a part in someone else's play which I hadn't known existed, and I walked down the stage before taking a seat in the comfortable seats lined up in front of the stage, like in a movie theater.

While sitting and watching the other plays being presented, someone was playing with their layout, pressing a set of big buttons somewhat randomly. Suddenly, the chairs tipped us out, and we were falling. I managed to catch myself a couple of chairs down, but still hit my head on them. After that I walked to a small, neat room at the back of the area, behind the seats, and got some ice cream.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 9:06 PM