June 25, 2003

Fun and Games after School

I was at the first day of school, sitting at my computer oddly enough, in a building that looked like my house. I wasn't doing much of anything, and my computer's screens were blacked, although I could control iTunes with the keyboard anyway.

I was excused for the day, then, walking out of the house, pasted some info into a iCab window. I was then with a group of other people outside. We got into a truck, most of us looked like cats or dogs. One fluffy dog was hanging from the top of my seat, while another tiny dog was also with us.

We drove about a bit before we were emerged in a virtual reality. We were fighting various enemies with replenishing stacks of melee or thrown weaponry. Each time one was used, it would shatter. I was holding my set of weird daggers in each hand, throwing them. The game evidentially was for both PC and Mac.

We had to let our eq warm up at first, as it was frozen when the game started, and would not move. At one point during the game one of my teammate hit me with his thrown weapon.

After we won we played around with the other controls, like sending email to each other.

When I started to wake up I thought I was coming out of the VR, and, so, moved my head a bit and went back in. Woke up a little later for real.

Really need to improve my early-in-the-night recall...

Posted by Trevor Savage at 10:13 PM