June 11, 2003

Vegetation Transportation

And then, while typing the first, this popped to mind!

I'd told someone I wanted to do something with them, but then they immediately fled. I started to look for them, but could not find them. I saw someone I evidentially knew on the "elevator", which looked kinda like the falling-mushrooms in Sonic. I had a very hard time getting on; why I didn't just walk on I don't know. There was evidentially a pathway of leaves or something beside it, and I walked down those and tried to jump on from there.

I'm too lazy to do a proper drawing, so here's a little idea of what it looks like: roomdream.png

Posted by Trevor Savage at 12:14 PM

Pizza Warming Tree

Woah. Just woke up, with only one though in my mind: "Guided by the light of the project we live", which seems to be totally nonsensical. I stayed laying there for a bit, and suddenly i was thinking - that wasn't a dream, but this was, so why am I recalling that?- and then it plopped back down into my head!

First, I was at the form for joining up again with a web-based game, kinda like http://www.nukezone.nu/. I was looking through the family choices, and had rather decided to sabotage whichever that I joined. I picked spells that would work well for the job, and choose the name "con+ra", deciding that it extended to "contraband". Then I choose a family and was off...

Then, in something of a sub-dream, dad was driving me evidentially to the house. "we've installed some new features" he said. Which was quite true. First, we passed what looked like the house, but it was very boarded up. Then, as we were going exceedingly fast, we rammed through a large sheet of plastic. Then a sheet of wood. Finally, turning to avert a collision, we stopped near what was the house.

Then the rest of the dream continued. I had bought a pizza to take to the new family- peperoni with one slice also bearing mushrooms, and we put this in the tree out front, which was quite multi purposed. It had pizza warmers, and was also the home of a three-eye green slug, owned by the person who had driven me there (no longer anyone I knew). The slug had used to be a horse, but something nasty must've happened to it, and someone had thoughtfully brought it back here to live out it's years.

The house still looked rather like mine. At first the leader, looking kinda like a former teacher of mine, was wary of me- probably because of my suspicious choice of spells- but then she turned into a cat. There was a small garden by the house as well.

Another person then came out and started getting mad.

Posted by Trevor Savage at 12:10 PM