July 22, 2004

Public School in the Summer

I had signed up to go to public school, which for some reason started in the summer, and set my alarm the night before. I quickly got up when it went off, although it was far too early to get up, got ready, and drove to the school. I never saw my parents during this time, and assumed them to still be sleeping.

Once at the school, I snapped out of the sleepy trance I had been in while preparing to come, and realized that I had driven to school with only a driving permit, as I was set to get my license the next day. Relieved that I hadn't been caught, I entered the school.

There, I encountered some random people I'd met before, and saw a number of people from my old school, as well as from CTY. I followed a few people I knew into homeroom, assuming that since I knew them I'd be in that homeroom too, and it turned out I was. For some reason this homeroom appeared to be nearly male-only.

I signed in, and then picked up the flier that was on the desk and left, putting it into my backpack along with the clipboard it had been attached to. Following some other people, I soon realized that I had no idea where I was going, and what classes I was going to. I poked into several, seeing more people from CTY and my old school, and learned that one's classes were arranged in alphabetical order. I didn't remember what classes I had signed up for either, however.

I walked about nervously, running through the gym and then following a tour group. The tour guide indicated that this section of the school had been hit the hardest by the 'holocaust disease' while Hitler was in power, and I nervously tried to leave, not wanting to be near such an area, although the infection was surely long gone.

I then saw a teacher from my old school, who recommended that if I was taking computer I should probably go to that, as it is high up in the alphabet. I then set off in search of the computer class.

Posted by Trevor Savage at July 22, 2004 6:52 PM