November 29, 2003

Defeating the Harpy

I and a group of other people had formed a Diablo II gaming group at my school. We mostly played solo, but were hording items together.

Before school started, we were meeting in the area where we kept our books full of Diablo II information. I had taken two of the books home the last time we were at school, and was carrying them in. One was an extremly thick book which, among other things, had item stats in it and the other was much thinner.

Other members of the group were also there, and I chatted a bit with them. Soon, however, we discovered that a harpy was roosting in an area a little above our nook. Jumping on it, we tried to defeat it as best we could, while it flailed around. Eventually we suceeded, possibly to some casualties.

Posted by Trevor Savage at November 29, 2003 2:09 PM