July 30, 2003

Matrix Rats

I was with a person who looked like he'd come from the world of the matrix, and was leading us, a group, to a destination. I ran ahead of the group, whom he had told me to guide, and came up to a building just as he was flashing about it, breaking the windows with two fingers.

We went through a broken window into a stairwell, and began swinging about. There were "Ferrets" there, although they looked more like albino rats. He said that you should not get near them; if you did, they would sense you and then turn you into one of them.

We continued to swing, seemingly with superhuman strength, as several times I thought that I had to hold really tight or I'd fall, and I did so easily.

Finally we reached a room, where pizza was laid out on one rack, food on a table beside it, and a cat on another rack. The guide said something about them being dangerous, and then disappeared. The others started coming in, and I warned them about the food, which they had immediately started to eat.

Posted by Trevor Savage at July 30, 2003 12:59 PM